Importance of insect identification for science and society
The importance of insect identification
Introduction to entomology
- What is entomology and its importance - History of the study of insects - Basic anatomy and morphology of insects
Classification of insects
- Insect taxonomy (orders and families) - Classification system - Importance of systematics for identification
Tools and methods for identification
- Guide to field and laboratory tools - Keys to identification and their use - Photographing and documenting insects
Insect behaviour and ecology
- The importance of behaviour for identification - Ecological interactions and habitats - Seasonal and geographical distribution
Endangered and protected insects
- Causes of threats and conservation strategies ..
When we want to get to know an insect, the first thing we do is look at what its body looks like. The body of an insect usually has a head, a thorax and a posterior. On the head, the insect has complex eyes, one or two sets of antennae that help it sense its surroundings, and mouthparts that vary depending on what the insect eats. On its chest, the insect has legs and sometimes wings of different shapes and sizes that help it fly. The rump has organs for reproduction and, in some species, venom glands or something that makes sounds.
Next we look at how insects behave. This can tell us what species it is. For example, how it flies, what it eats, where it likes to be and how it breeds. Some species, like butterflies, are active during the day, while others, like moths, are active at night.
Scientists use special guides to help them identify insect species step-by-step by how they look and behave. These guides can be general for all species or special for certain groups of insects.
There are also advanced methods, such as DNA testing, which shows what kind of insect it is by its genetic code. This method is becoming increasingly popular because it is accurate and can identify even species that are very similar.
Recognising insects is very important. It helps to protect nature, agriculture and fight pests. It allows scientists to see how nature is changing, to identify insects that don't belong here and to study how insects adapt to climate change. If we did not understand how diverse insects are and how to recognise them, we would not be able to protect our natural environment and keep nature healthy and in balance.